Issues relating to Professor Paul green at UC riverside

We Hear you.

Here's what people have been telling us.

"I was in disbelief in the way he taught and certain language he used. That was my first class with him. Never again. He was calling people things like red and yellow, obviously using it in a race context. It was disturbing."
Jill Doe
"There were so many problems in that class. Our class brought it up to him and he just said there was no problem and that we were doing it wrong. We weren't. He would gaslight us like this. It felt like abusive relationship that we had to engage in because we needed the class to graduate."
John Doe
"That class is torture for me. I don't feel like I'm learning anything."
Jo Doe
What's Next

here's the path forward

send a letter

The University can only respond when complaints are formalized in writing. Anything else will get dismissed. The first way is to use our template, add your experience, and send it forward.

demand action

Ask for accountability. While this issue won't be fixed overnight. The process to fix this will take time. It's important for something to be done. We know the best path but can't do it without you.

recruit support

It's clear to us this has been going on for a while. It's easy for students to move onto the next class. However, taking a stand can protect the next person. Share this out and spread the word.

Send a Letter

Non-Academic Grievance LEtter

This letter is sent to the Ethnic Studies Department Chair, Dr. Jennifer Najera who is the “supervising faculty” for the department:

Give feedback on the "product"

Did Ethnic Studies provide you an experience that met their mission statement of "empowering literacy that expands students’ social and political horizons, as well as the creative, critical thinking skills necessary to participate fully in society and the world."

what was your class experience?

Share how this experience impacted you as an individual. Did you feel that UCR live up to the Principles of Community?

The Chair gives class assignments

Don't think this faculty member is fit for teaching class? The department chair determines which faculty member is responsible for teaching which classes.

Disciplinary Complaint Letter

This letter is sent to the UCR Academic Senate and covers issues that faculty can be disciplined for (similar to student academic misconduct):

Ethical Principles

Did you feel that the professor "encouraged the free pursuit of learning of their students," "demonstrate respect for students as individuals," or avoid any "harassment or discriminatory treatment of students?"

failure to meet the responsibilities of Instruction

Like students, Faculty should abide by the Standards of Conduct in regarding to teaching students and interactions with the University community.

call for course evaluations

Your course evaluations is included in a faculty's file when it comes to review time for merit and promotion. Failure to collect any type of evaluation (especially outside of iEval) is not acceptable.

Other Considerations

to whom?

expand the issue

While the process dictates who should receive what letter, consider also copying or sharing the letter with others like the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor and Chief Diversity Officer, friends, and even the press! Secrecy acts to protect the privileged.

what do we want?


Here are the 2 items we think are a start to addressing the issue.

Conduct evaluations

Student evaluations are placed in faculty files for merit (pay raises) and promotions. No evaluation was provided to students and needs to be conducted.


Professor Paul Green needs to be held accountable for his failure to meet the expectations placed upon him as a faculty member.

Let's Write.

We know you don’t want to write yet ANOTHER paper. We’ll work with you to incorporate your personal experience into one of our letters that covers all the requirements for action. We’ll smooth it out for you and give you everything you need to send it forward.

Common Questions

Why not both? A Change petition consolidates all complaints into one. That makes it easier to dismiss one complaint rather than hundreds of personal and individual complaints. A Change petition also does not meet the criteria for the University’s process to address issues related to this professor.

Supporting someone else’s story and experience is one of the best things you can do! Whether you supported a student through their class. Consider writing a letter of support to send in that expresses how you feel about this!